Wednesday, December 27, 2017


 We got a little bit of a late start this morning. Once we were up and moving we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel. We then loaded the car, and headed to AutoZone to check the check engine light. Thom and Dustin prove to be quite the mechanics. It seems  that the new air filter became loose which cause the engine light to come on. It was about 10 by the time we got on the road. We had to make vocational stops for gas, bathroom, and lunch, but we made it to Steamboat Springs in good time. We arrived  around 430.

Once we checked in and unloaded the vehicle we took the shuttle to go into a square to get our skis and boots. It all went rather smoothly. We were even able to store our skis there so we didn't have to transport them.  Once we got our lift tickets, Dustin and Sarah the base of the mountain where we would be getting on the gondola tomorrow. We asked some workers where they recommended for dinner and it was recommended to head back to the downtown area. Mark, who is driving the shuttle, suggested a place called Carl's.

After quickly stopping at the condo to drop off our boots we joined Mark in the shuttle to head to Carl's.  We didn't have a reservation so we were told it would take a two hour wait. However the hostess found us a high top where we could sit before we could even decide to head elsewhere. The food was good Thom and Dustin tried an IPA from Tampa which they liked. I had a delicious Moscow mile. Thom got a Ruben for dinner and I got a rotisserie chicken bacon sandwich.

We then called Mark and he took us to the grocery store before we came back to the condo. We relaxed once we were here. We are all looking forward and a little nervous for skiing tomorrow. I am a little disappointed because we booked a reservation for a sleighride dinner on the mountain for Friday. Turns out it isn't on the mountain and I'm not sure if we can cancel without losing some money. I'm going to call first thing tomorrow. We'll see how it turns out. 

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